Tag: Home Maintenance

DIY: Preventative Plumbing Maintenance
Posted on 01/01/2024
DIY: Preventative Plumbing Maintenance
Your home's pipes, toilets and other plumbing fixtures can develop leaks or other problems over time. Even minor plumbing problems can end up leading to serious water damage if they're not found early enough. Taking steps to keep your plumbing in good shape can help lower the risk of dealing with major plumbing issues. Performing the following preventive...
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HVAC Repair: When to Let the Professionals Take Over
Posted on 05/22/2023
HVAC Repair: When to Let the Professionals Take Over
Your HVAC system can break down or develop damage for various reasons. While some HVAC repairs are simple and can be done on your own, others should be left to the professionals. Knowing when to have professional HVAC repairs done is an important part of ensuring your HVAC system can heat or cool your home reliably. Here are...
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4 Home plumbing issues you can solve
Posted on 04/10/2023
4 Home plumbing issues you can solve
Plumbing problems can happen from time to time, but you don't always have to call a plumber for repairs. You can fix minor plumbing issues on your own, which is a great way to save money and prevent more serious problems from happening, such as major water leaks. The following are some easy DIY plumbing repairs for your...
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Posted on 01/16/2023
How to prepare for a home insurance inspection
To obtain or keep a homeowners insurance policy, your home may need to have a home insurance inspection. Insurance companies use inspections to identify any liability issues with your property and determine the amount of risk associated with its condition or features. If you take some time to prepare, you might be able to identify some of these...
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