Tag: Mortgage

3 Major Benefits of VA Loans
Posted on 06/12/2023
3 Major Benefits of VA Loans
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has helped countless veterans finance their home ownership goals. While you have the choice of a conventional loan offered by other mortgage lenders, there are some significant benefits to VA loans. Here are some of the most important advantages to consider: No Down Payment The most famous benefit of VA loans is...
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The pros and cons of mortgage points
Posted on 12/19/2022
The pros and cons of mortgage points
When buying a home, many homebuyers tend to search for the best mortgage interest rates available. While some may find that perfect rate, others may opt to take advantage of lender-provided options, such as mortgage points. Mortgage points are designed to help buyers bring down their interest rates by paying them ahead of time. Sometimes considered “discount points,”...
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Should I refinance my mortgage? 3 Simple checklist items
Posted on 08/08/2022
Should I refinance my mortgage? 3 Simple checklist items
At some point, numerous homeowners ask themselves, “Should I refinance my mortgage?” And while some offers of lower interest rates and saving money may seem like refinancing is your best option, consider your unique financial situation before deciding. You may be asking yourself, “where do I start in the process?” Here are three quick checklist items to help...
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Posted on 04/11/2022
The basics of a 15-year fixed mortgage
Prospective homebuyers and current homeowners know that a mortgage is likely to go hand-in-hand with your home, unless another arrangement has been made. However, there are many options available for those monthly mortgage payments, most commonly through 30-year fixed rate mortgages and 15-year fixed rate mortgages. Most know about the 30-year option, but what about the 15-year fixed...
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Posted on 11/22/2021
5 Ways Sellers Can Reduce Their Risk When Offering Financing
Seller financing is an excellent option for some property buyers and sellers. However, no matter the type of financing the seller offers, they are taking on a sizable amount of risk. Underwriting and supplementing a mortgage means dealing with the consequences if the buyer defaults on the loan. This is one reason many sellers hesitate to offer financing....
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Posted on 09/06/2021
How a Land Contract Differs from a Mortgage
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay A land contract and a mortgage have a number of similarities. For example, you can use either option to purchase a home Both loans must be repaid on a monthly basis. Understanding the Differences A land contract is a legal agreement between a buyer and a seller. Rather than a traditional mortgage...
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Posted on 05/10/2021
Pros & Cons of Financing with a Mortgage Lender
Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash When financing a home purchase, one of the most basic decisions to make is where to get your mortgage from. The basic options are whether you should go to a mortgage lender or not. Financing with a mortgage lender has both pros and cons. Pro: Many Loan Options If you go to a...
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